Dear Friend,
Thank you for visiting the BAPP.COM website. I know you are looking for the secret of success. In the good old days of 1995, it used to be that you could register your website with the major search engines and the people would come. They would visit and tell their friends. Web Pages were few and far between. Flash forward a few million pages later and you have to do things differently in 1997. Registering with search engines is just the first step....Online Promotion takes time and effort. Here's where I think I can help you.. try to remember these simple things:
Register with Search Engines - but dont depend on them to be the only way people can find you.
Marketing on the Net means just that ' THE NET '
Use all the features of the net to advertise your business or organization. Take advantage of email, newsgroups, mailing lists, chats, etc.Become known as an expert in your field
Be Careful What You Say About Your Site - It Matters! Search engines are particular in how they rank sites when displaying results of a search. Every search engine uses different criteria to decide which is the most relevant site to a query (search). Knowing how they work can put you on top!
Here are some little known facts about the major search engines:
Alta Vista - References first 30 words on page for description unless you use META TAGS. Alta Vista determines the priority of matches by indexing the words closest to the beginning of the front page.
Infoseek - Indexes the first 200 characters of your site after the HTML
tag unless you use META TAGS in the creation of your site. Your description can include up to 200 characters of text. The Lycos engine compares each page to your query and gives higher scores to pages that contain the words as you typed them into your Web Site. It also looks for pages that mention these words early on, rather than far down.Yahoo searches for words in URL, title & description (<25 words) YOU ENTERED when submitting URL!
Webcrawler - Webcrawler computes its confidence rating by considering how many times the terms in your search occur in that document. The more frequent, the more relevant.
More Secrets on the way.. stop back soon! I look forward to helping you become successful on the internet. With BAPP secrets in your hand, you'll have more web visitors. You can count on it!
Here's to your success!
AndreaP.S. Keep reading for an incredible offer that will make your site's hit counters go wild! Read our guarantee that we will get more people to your site!
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Email BAPP NOW! That is how it was.. email has been spammed